7 Step To Succeed In Examination Without Cheating

How to Succeed in Examination – If you need to succeed in any goal set before you need to know that it does not happen in a jiffy, it is a continues process and you need to have started working towards it aforetime to achieve this success, this is as well applicable to examinations.
As students who want to avoid cheating during an examination and have decided to do the needful in order to have an excellent result, this article contains the necessary steps you should take and the necessary actions you should indulge in as a student to avoid cheating in any examination.
1. Get settled.
Have it in mind that if you have a decent attendance rate, and did an excellent job doing your assignments, you have acquired a lot of knowledge already. This knowledge will be of great help to you throughout your test.
You don’t need to panic as Panic will only make your situation worse. You will be focusing on the horror, rather than the upcoming test. Most times, panic can even deter your chances of doing well on the exam. If you panic, take deep breaths (try not to hyperventilate), and think that you can do this. Activities such as yoga and meditation can help decrease your stress levels. A clearer mind and rejuvenated body will be ready to tackle an exam.
You’re smart enough to know that you need to study days in advance. While some people study the day before, and some people always study this way, realize that last-minute cramming is not the ideal way to study, especially not for the sake of long-term retention of the subject matter. Also, make sure not to study too much! Take some breaks for about 5-15 minutes
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2. Determine what Material Needs to be Covered.
Most exams cover specific subjects and material, and it’s important to know which material or components you need to study. Otherwise, you may be using your precious remaining study time incorrectly. Ask your teacher about the subjects you’ll be tested on and which chapters you need to cover. For example What period in African history? Are diagrams important? Ask your teacher if you’re unclear, as they want you to succeed.
Study the most important topics first. Exams usually cover a few core ideas, concepts, or skills. When pinched for time, focus your energies on the very important bits you’ll be tested on, rather than scattering your studies everywhere.
Review sheets, the highlighted topics in textbooks, and the parts your teacher stressed repeatedly are all clues as to what the most important topics or components are.
Find out how the test will be presented. What types of questions will be on it (multiple choice, essay, word problem, etc.)? Find out how much each section is worth. If you do not know, ask the teacher. This will help you know what the most important sections will be, and how the exam will be presented
3. Make a Study Plan and Method.
It may seem like a basic and simple task, but people who make a detailed study plan often have an easier time with studying and they find they have more time to relax and chill. When making a study plan, build in the amount of time you have left before the exam date. Is the exam in a month? Did the teacher spring the test on you suddenly? Is it a mid-year exam that has been building since the start of the year? Depending on the time frame, make your study plan long or short.
Determine what subjects you don’t know as much about and include more study sessions on these topics. The aspects you know more about still need reviewing, but they will come easier, so try to focus on the more challenging topics. Plan your time.
It’s tempting to put everything off until the night before the test. Instead, figure out how much time you will put aside each day for study. Remember to account for breaks. A good rule is: study for a half-hour, have a break for ten minutes.
Study methods include using colors, pictures and brainstorm or mind map pages. Some people learn and remember things better if they’re in certain colors whereas other people may remember diagrams and pictures more easily.
Use the method that works for you; as long as it’s effective, it doesn’t matter what it is. It’s no use reading a ton of text if your study method is diagrams.
Remember, everyone has different methods to study, what works for your best friend may not work for you. Form a study group. Not only do you have additional help, but you also have the advantage of studying with people you know well.
However, avoid accepting those that will be of no help, and only distract your whole group from studying. Don’t be rude and reject everyone whom you don’t like, but do be cautious about who you add to your study group. The key to top performance is the ability to memorize all relevant materials. There are tricks for helping to memorize, otherwise called mnemonics.
These can include, for instance, poetic or rhyming mnemonics for the auditory learner, visual imagery and fantasy for the visual learner, dance or movement for the kinesthetic learner (as muscles have memory), or some combination. Repetition is another form of memorization that is most commonly used. It allows for high recall if practiced at regular intervals.
Practice it even beyond the point at which your memory recall is instantaneous because this serves as a form of reinforcement.
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4. Ask for Help and Memorize as Well.
You don’t get bonus points for doing it alone. Classmates can be helpful in studying, but choose someone who will really help you, not the friend you tend to goof off with. Ask help from your parents or siblings; they may really appreciate being asked. Younger siblings especially like “quizzing” older brothers or sisters!
5. Eat Properly.
Good nutrition is vital for optimal thinking. Try to stay away from high sugar and fatty foods such as ice-cream and cookies. Replace sweet sugary drinks with a cool glass of water or fresh juice or milk.
Have a “brain” meal the night before. Fish makes a great meal the night before, as it is nutrition for your brain. Try eating some fresh vegetables and pasta with the fish.
Eat a good breakfast. It will keep your mind alert. An example of a good breakfast is a glass of juice, an egg, toast, and cheese. If you do have to eat a bowl of cold cereal, make sure it’s wholesome and whole-grain, not a sugary brand, or you may experience a ‘crash’ during the test
6. Get Enough Sleep before the Big Day.
This step is extremely important and cannot be skipped. Without sleep, your chances of doing well on the test quickly lower, because your brain can’t focus on what it needs to. If you can’t get to sleep, try some warm milk or tea, but be sure there is no caffeine in your drink! Do not alter your sleeping patterns. Go to sleep at your regular time in order to keep your sleeping patterns regular.
7. Turn up ready for the test.
Set your alarm clock in the morning; arrive on time or even a few minutes early. If it’s a test that requires registration, fees, identification and the like, schedule extra time for that.
Keep a positive attitude! Studying lots, but thinking you can’t really ace that exam, will reduce your chances of succeeding. See yourself as acing it, relying on all the preparation and attention you’ve given your studies to this point. Confidence is the key
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