NUBAPOLY Post-UTME Form for 2019/2020
NUBAPOLY Post-UTME Form for 2019/2020 [ND Full-Time]
Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic, Zaria (NUBAPOLY) Post-UTME screening form for the 2019/2020 academic session is out. The NUBAPOLY Post-UTME form is free to get and it is available online for eligible candidates.
We wish to inform all candidates who are eligible for Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic that the form for the 2019/2020 Post-UTME/admission screening into full-time National Diploma (ND) courses of the school is now available online.
Interested Candidates are to visit the school or locate any approved Cyber-cafes to register online.
- Go to Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic post UTME portal at
- Enter your JAMB No in the box provided on the left
- Click on the submit button to check if your data is submitted to us by JAMB
- If your information is found a Transaction ID would be generated for you.
- Click on Proceed to Payment link on your invoice. You can pay online or in any Branch of the major banks nationwide
- If your Payment is made in a Banks branch, you are to return to this portal and check your payment status
- If your payment is successful(Online or Bank branch), you would be asked to open a PUTME Screening account.
- For those who are applying through JAMB change of Institute, the Data is not immediately available. Therefore, If your data is not available you shall check again later.
In the process of opening your account PLEASE use a password that you would always remember DO NOT Disclose your password to anyone
Screening venues and dates will be communicated to registered candidates later via text or email.
Read AlsoNASPOLY Post-UTME 2019 Cut Off Mark and Registration Details