Apply For: Miles Morland Foundation Scholarship For Writers 2021 £18,000

Miles Morland Foundation Scholarship For Writers 2021 £18,000
The Miles Morland Foundation Scholarship gives writers the opportunity to earn while working to become established. The MMF annually awards a small number of Morland Writing Scholarships, with the aim being to allow each Scholar the time to produce the first draft of a completed book. The Scholarships are open to anyone writing in the English language who was born in Africa, or both of whose parents were born in Africa
£18,000 paid over the course of 12 months
You should be AfricaN
The Scholarships are meant for full length works of adult fiction or non-fiction. Poetry, plays, film scripts, children’s books, and short story collections do not qualify
DEADLINE– September 18, 2021
To apply and for more information Click here
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