How to Check Nirsal Covid-19 Loan Approval for 2022

Inquiries have been popping up daily in our mailbox, several Nigerians appear to be in the dark over the approval of the CBN Covid 19 loan.
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First, you should take note of the following:
- It is important to check your status to ascertain if you are eligible or still n the right path to receive the NIRSAL Covid 19 loan
- However, you need to have an account with the platform in other to have access to the check for the loan approval. This means that you must have previously applied when the online registration was going on. You can only log in if you have an account.
Nirsal Microfinance Loan will only be disbursed to those who are considered qualified applicants. Below are the steps and links that applicants need to follow to check their loan status:
- From previous guidelines, the first step to take is to carefully go through your email address. Those who got their loan requests granted will receive emails indicating that they have been granted access to the loan. If by now, after the online application, there is still no mail to show that your loan has been approved, then it’s best to click here or visit
- In case you can’t remember the category of loan you had applied for, the two major loan categories available are SME or Individual/Households.
- Next, you need to verify your account by submitting your BVN. If you are lucky to have been approved for the loan, then a window will pop open showing you the amount approved for you.
- The next thing for you to do is to claim your loan. Provide your bank details and information in the correct format. There is a space for that on the portal.
- The final step is to locate the terms and conditions required for the loan, then read and understand every aspect of it.
- You will also learn of the director in charge of your payment and his/her details, and the procedure for repaying the loan.
Ismaila Isah Pali
Sunday, 17 April 2022, 8:43 at 8:43 pm
[email protected]