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How to Score High in 2021 Post UTME Screening Examination



post utme

If you a university aspirant who has fulfilled the first admission procedure bypassing the Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB) exams and now preparing for the upcoming Post UTME exam, then this article is for you. In this post, you will learn how to score high in 2021 screening post utme screening examination.


Score High in Post UTME Screening Examination

The battle has just began, you still need to overcome the next stage which is to pass the Post UME/Pre-admission screening to be fully admitted as a bonafide student of any of the universities in Nigeria.

The case isn’t always with passing jamb; it is in passing the post UTME exam designed by the University of your choice. Okay, this is a guide on how to pass the Post UTME exam/Screening test in any university of your choice hassle-free.

1. READ THE EXAM SYLLABLES: Most students don’t read until the exam is fast approaching. Waiting till two months to examination is an announced failure, no offence though. There are people who will start studying two weeks for exams and make it but please don’t try it; you may be surprised it doesn’t work out for you that way.

However, topics on syllable are usually much and you have to go through them thoroughly, to assimilate them bit by bit. Except you are an immediate high school lever, you know your brain is still fresh but if you’ve been home for a year or two, you need to go through the syllables, studying all the topics at least two to three times before the examination date. Do that when you still have time. Waiting till exams date is fast approaching puts you in a hurry, you won’t be able to concentrate on a particular topic and you’ll want to jump to the next because there is no time.

2. GET PAST QUESTIONS: It is required to go through past questions to test your ability. This is very important as it helps to widen your thinking faculty, exposing the scope and procedure by which examinations are set and how to answer the questions without getting confused by the technicality of the question and the way they are being set.

3. KNOW THE SCHOOL CUT OF MARK: Knowing the school cut of mark of your choice is very helpful. Before you even apply for post UME, you should make sure your score marches or is above the university’s cut off mark before you apply. Some universities’ cut off mark is usually 200 like UNN, UI and other institutions while others are from 180. You need to be sure with your score; you can apply for post UME and stand a chance of gaining admission.

Have handful knowledge about the school so you know what you’ll expect to see and won’t be frightened when you do. If you are not sure, you are advised to get a change of course/institution form before the deadline.

4. APPLY FOR POST UTME/PRE ADMISSION SCREENING: When applying, keep your options clear and focused on what you want and go for it. Get to know the venue for your exam/screening and keep your examination date at the back of your mind or on a special journal so you don’t forget because if you miss your date, that is immediate failure, no turning back.

5. EXAMINATION DATE: Do everything possible to arrive early, to avoid distraction. If you live far from the exam town, you are expected to arrive your exam town before the date, lodge somewhere safe and prepare for the exam. When you arrive early, it’ll grant you time to locate your hall and get settled.

thank you!

Bernard Bassey is a graduate of Software Engineering from AfriHUB University, Abuja. He is an expert in field journalism, his interest in socio-politics activities is keen.

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