Nigeria News
List of Successful Candidates for Award of 2020/2021 PTDF Overseas Scholarship

PTDF Overseas Scholarship – The management of the Petroleum Technology Development Fund PTDF has successfully release the list of candidates who applied for PTDF schoolarship.
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The Petroleum Technology Development Fund(PTDF) wishes to inform all candidates who applied for the MSc and PhD scholarships in the 2020/2021 PTDF Overseas Scholarship Scheme that the list of successful candidates for the award has now been published on the PTDF website: and the PTDF Scholarship Management portal respectively.
All interested candidates are invited to visit the website and the scholarship portal for the names and information of successful awardees.
Three Hundred and Ninety-one (391) candidates have been selected to receive the award; this comprises 237 MSc candidates and 154 PhD candidates.
These numbers represent three(3) highest scoring candidates per State under the United Kingdom(UK) Partnerships, and Three(3) per State under the Germany, France, China and Malaysia(GFCM) Strategic Partnerships for the MSc category. This is in addition to the next highest scoring candidate per oil-producing State and the next highest-scoring female candidate per geo-political zone.
For the PhD category, two(2) highest scoring candidates per State
have been selected for the award under the United Kingdom(UK) and Germany, France, China and Malaysia (GFCM) Partnerships.
This is in addition to the next highest-scoring female candidate per geo-political zone.
The PTDF scholarship award selection process reflects the Fund’s firm commitment to promoting meritocracy while adhering to the Federal Character principles and the Local Content stipulations.
The Virtual Induction Ceremony for the awardees has been scheduled to hold on August 23rd, 2021, by 9:00 am. During the Induction Programme, the awardees will be briefed on the completion of their documentation, preliminary medical checks, and departure preparations.
Successful candidates have been contacted with specific induction schedules as well as further information on the upcoming program.
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