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Main Reason for Npower Payment Status Failed | 2021



Main Reason for Npower Payment Status Failed | 2021

Npower Payment Status Failed – This is no longer news that the payroll has begun to show on every Npower beneficiaries dashboard, as this is so important, some npower beneficiaries are seeing failed payment status on their status.

However, in this post today, searchngr will be discussing some of the main reasons why some Npower beneficiaries are seeing failed payment status on their Npower payment status. so read on


Furthermore, some Npower beneficiaries have begun to start to receive payment in October while some are seeing “failed payment” on their status and this is because most of the Npower beneficiaries are yet to validate their account on NASIM Portal and therefore instructed to validate their account via the NASIM Portal on their profile to add their BVN record or call the Nasim support line via the site number below.

Though the npower has sent payment to beneficiaries banks for disbursement and some of the beneficiaries payroll status has been on the process for the past 1 week. These categories of Npower beneficiaries whose account is not validated will get a failed status payment which means your bank tries to pay you but the payment failed due to some issues or the other which Nasim will address tomorrow.

>> Read also Npower Batch C Update: How to Validate Account And Get Paid

Bernard Bassey is a graduate of Software Engineering from AfriHUB University, Abuja. He is an expert in field journalism, his interest in socio-politics activities is keen.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Adamilola

    Wednesday, 17 November 2021, 10:34 at 10:34 am

    My bank account information is okay with bvnbut why do they failed my payment when I don’t have issue with my bank

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