Apply For MTN Academic Research Development and Innovation Challenge 2019
MTN Academic Research Development and Innovation Challenge 2019
The MTN Academic Research Development and Innovation Challenge (MTN ARDIC) is an end-to-end support system where selected students would translate their ideas into solutions through a seamless access to applicable tools, data, platform and hands-on mentoring.
At the end of the challenge, MTN would provide the top 6 well-motivated Masters/PhD researchers who want to translate their research ideas into high-impact innovations with enabling platforms, APIs, data, training, mentorship and experimental sandbox for six months following their selection to further develop the ideas towards commercialization.
- MTN will provide N1N to the winners as well as enabling platforms, APIs, data, training, mentorship to further develop the ideas towards commercialization.
- 6 months acceleration program: The Investment Readiness program is a flexible, tech and data centered accelerator designed to support startups with global expertise and insights.
- The background of the team can be non-profit or for-profit organisation, or just a group of friends
- Each team should already have some experience in developing digital solutions and must include at least one IT specialist/developer potentially able to develop the core product
- The members of the team must be African nationals and residents
- The team should be available to come to Nairobi/Kenya on November 20-22nd 2019 and to develop their idea into a product, service or tool during the Accelerator Programme in the timeframe between January 2020 to March 2020.
DEADLINE: October 14 2019
To apply and for more information visit here