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Must Read! Npower Batch C Deployment Issues And Solutions



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Based on the questions that some of you the Npower batch C Volunteers have been asking in some of your discussion groups, Star News Online have decided to create this post to address some of the concerns you have is presented below, you can leave a comment below for more pressing issue:


  1. I Did biometrics but yet to be deployed is there still hope?
    Answer: Yes! Deployment is still ongoing
  2. What is the difference between the Npower acceptance letter and the deployment letter?
    Answer: Npower Deployment letter is the letter required by all deployed Npower beneficiaries to print from the nasims portal dashboard signifying their PPA posting while the Npower acceptance letter is the accepted and signed copy of the deployment letter by a Volunteer’s PPA supervisor.
  3. When is Npower physical verification exercise
    Answer: Npower batch C Physical Verification date is from 10th September 2021.
  4. How do I check my physical verification location?
    Answer: visit the deployment page on your nasims portal dashboard and click download deployment letter.
  5. Can an Npower beneficiary redeploy from one State to Another?
    Answer: it is possible but you have to contact your state focal person or contact the Npower support team via the self-service portal.
  6. Can an Npower beneficiary change PPA?
    Answer: yes a Npower beneficiary can apply for
    redeployment if rejected from his/ her first PPA
  7. How can an Npower beneficiary redeploy from one PPA to another?
    Answer: by uploading rejected deployment letter and apply for redeployment via the nasims portal dashboard. And you can also get redeployed by getting the Focal Person NSIP sign on ur acceptance letter.
  8. What do I do if the program I selected is not available in my location?
    Answer: Normally if the program you selected is not available in your location, you will be asked to select a new program via the nasims portal dashboard.
  9. What is the solution to login errors?
    Answer: use a strong network connection or an opera mini browser.
  10. Is there still hope for Npower stream 2?
    Answer: Yes there is still hope.
  11. When will stipends payment for Npower batch C commenced?
    Answer: When the deployment exercise is completed probably by September/October 2021.
  12. Between Physical Verification and acceptance letter signing and upload which comes first?
    Answer: Physical Verification. However, if you have
    done the acceptance letter upload no problem.
  13. How much is Npower beneficiaries’ monthly
    Answer: N30.000 for graduates and N10.000 for non-graduate
  14. What is Npower PPA?
    Answer: Npower PPA is the Place of Primary Assignment where a Npower volunteer is posted to serve.

Bernard Bassey is a graduate of Software Engineering from AfriHUB University, Abuja. He is an expert in field journalism, his interest in socio-politics activities is keen.

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