Nigeria News
NPower Batch C: How Often To Attend Your PPA

NPower Latest News: A lot of NPower Batch C applicants have been asking the question with regards to how many times an N-Power Batch C Volunteer is expected to be at his or her Place of Primary Assignment in a week or month.
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The write up below answers this question, but I repeat all NPower Batch C Volunteers must adopt this with great caution, due to the preying eyes of the N-Power independent monitors, because if the NPower independent monitors comes to your place of primary assignment and find an NPower Batch C applicant absent without any clear reasons, this might lead to forceful disengagement or exit of the NPower Batch C Volunteer from the N-Power program.
If an NPower Batch C Volunteer is posted to a primary school, the NPower Batch C Volunteer have do be at his or her place of primary assignment daily, if an NPower Batch C applicant is deployed to a secondary school the N-Power Batch C volunteer have to be at his or her place of primary assignment at least three times in a week, if an NPower Batch C applicant is posted to an Agricultural Agency that is for N-Agro, the N-Power Batch C Volunteer have to be present at his or her place of primary assignment at least once a week and submit your report weekly.