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Apply for Ongoing CBN Recruitment 2020 (See available positions)

Apply for Ongoing CBN Recruitment 2020 (See available positions)
The West African Institute for Financial and Economic Management (WAIFEM), is a subregional capacity building institution established in 1996 by the Central Banks of The Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.
Headquarterd at the Central Bank of Nigeria Learning Centre in Lagos, Nigeria, WAIFEM is charged principally to strengthen capacity for macroeconomic, debt and financial management in the countries of member central banks.
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We seek suitably qualified candidate to fill the under-mentioned vacancy:
a. Job Description for CBN Recruitment 2020
1. Responsible to the Director General.
2. Take the lead in the design of the curricula of courses, seminars and workshops organized by the Institute.
3. Co-ordinate and conduct such courses, workshops, seminars and skills
development activities on fiscal policy and pubic financial management, public debt management including recording and reporting, trade statistics and regional integration.
4. Implement the capacity building programme for the development of a cadre of regional experts in fiscal policy, debt management and regional integration.
5. Take the lead in capacity building issues especially in relation to WAIFEM
member countries fiscal and debt situation and the implementation and
monitoring of the ECOWAS regional integration programme.
6. Monitoring and reporting on capacity building needs, progress on debt relief and international capital flows to WAIFEM countries.
7. Prepare and deliver lectures at courses, workshops, and seminars on fiscal policy, public financial management, debt management and regional integration.
8. Coordinate the implementation of the Debt Management Fellows Scheme.
9. Plan and develop a database on debt issues of WAIFEM countries in particular and ECOWAS in general.
10. Selecting and supervising high level resource persons and consultants for programmes on fiscal policy, debt management and regional integration.
11. Liaise with relevant officials of governments of WAIFEM countries and
international organizations, pursuant to the design and implementation of the fiscal policy, debt management and regional integration capacity building programme.
12. Provide annual estimates of funding requirements of courses, seminars and workshops in fiscal policy, debt management and regional integration offered by the Institute.
13. Oversee the daily activities of the fiscal policy, debt management and regional integration department.
14. Perform other duties assigned by the Director General from time to time.
b. Qualification and Experience for CBN Recruitment 2020
1. Post–graduate degree in Economics, Finance or a related field; a doctorate would be an advantage.
2. At least ten (10) years’ experience at managerial level in fiscal and debt and regional integration issues such as:
- Debt recording and disbursement;
- Debt relief analysis and strategy
- Debt relief initiatives including the HIPC Initiative
- ECOWAS regional integration, WAMZ issues
- Bi-national commissions and African Union
- Operational procedures of International development Financial Institutions
3. Demonstrate understanding of macro-economic issues, fiscal policy and public financial management issues in developing countries.
4. Previous work experience in a bilateral or multilateral development institution, and engagement with national or international capacity building institutions will be desirable.
5. Experience in designing and implementing training/capacity building
6. Ability to transfer skills to programme managers.
7. Ability to work in a team-based multi-cultural environment.
8. Excellent written and oral communication skills are essential.
9. Computer literacy is essential.
Four-year contract renewable on satisfactory performance.
The remuneration package is competitive.
Applications with detailed CVs and the names of three referees should be submitted by January 15, 2020.
The Director General
West African Institute for Financial
and Economic Management (WAIFEM)
Central Bank of Nigeria Learning Centre
P. M. B. 2001
Satellite Town
Lagos, Nigeria.
Email: [email protected] copy [email protected]
For more information about CNB Recruitment 2020 please kindly use the comment box below to reach us and be assured that one of our team member will reply you in a shortwhile. Don’t also forget to share this article to your WhatsApp or other social media account to reach more people.
Mohammed Ahmed joda
Saturday, 13 June 2020, 12:37 at 12:37 pm
Pls I am serious I want this job