Open Heaven 7th June 2021 RCCG Daily Devotional (Identify Your Enemies 11)

Open Heaven 7th June 2021 is an RCCG Daily devotional manual that is written to ingest into the heart of the Christians. Today’s daily devotional is talking about the topic “Identify Your Enemies 11”
Open Heaven 7th June 2021 RCCG Daily Devotional (Identify Your Enemies 11)
Plead my cause, O LORD, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me. Psalm 35:1
Luke 18:1-3
1 And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;
2 Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man:
3 And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary.
Open Heaven 7th June 2021 RCCG Daily Devotional (Identify Your Enemies 11)
You cannot afford to be gentle with your enemy- the devil because if you do not get him first, he Will get you. When the woman in the Bible reading of today prayed thus “avenge me of my adversary”, I assume:
- That the adversary was not a stranger.
- Since the adversary was known to her, it means the battle was not new.
- The adversary must have wronged her significantly. Once an adversary discovers your weakness, he will keep hitting you at the same spot.
- When the widow said, “my adversary”, it means the adversary was personal to her. It is sad that some people fight other people’s enemies-leaving theirs unchallenged.
The fact that the woman cried to the judge shows that she knew she could not fight for herself; she needed a higher power. This is exactly what David knew and wrote in Psalms 35. Goliath was a mighty external enemy; however, it was easy for David to kill him. This is because David knew that the spiritual controls the physical even from the utterance of his adversary who said in 1 Samuel 17:43:
“…Am I a dog, that thou comest to me with staves? And the Philistine cursed David by his gods.”
Why did Goliath curse David by his gods and then go head to use his weapons against the lad? Beloved, unbelievers believe that no life can be taken if the thing they believe in does not allow it. It was as if Goliath was taken permission from his gods to take David’s life. As for David, he saw Goliath as someone who tried to ridicule the Almighty God· In the end, David dealt with Goliath. Some people seem to be more benevolent than God, to their peril. When they are asked to pray to God to fight their battles for them, they keep mute, thinking it is wrong to say such prayers, whereas the man whom our memory verse described as after God’s heart prayed when confronted with the destroyers of his life. While we are not permitted to take vengeance on our adversaries, we must act like the widow in today’s Bible reading; she reported the case to a higher authority. God is the Righteous Judge and His judgement is the most accurate (Psalm 9:8). As you do, the Lord will fight your battle for you today in Jesus’ name.
Open Heaven 7th June 2021 RCCG Daily Devotional (Identify Your Enemies 11)
Cry to God; ask Him to fight on your behalf, against the enemies who want to destroy you.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Samuel 4-7.
- Conquerors and overcomers now are we,
Thro’ the precious blood of Christ we’ve victory,
If the Lord be for us, we can never fail;
Nothing ‘gainst his mighty pow’r can e’er prevail.
Conquerors are we, thro’ the blood, thro’ the blood;
God will give us victory, thro’ the blood, thro’ the blood,
Thro’ the Lamb for sinners slain,
Yet who lives and reigns again,
More than conquerors are we,
More than conquerors are we.
- In the name of Israel’s God we’ll onward press,
Overcoming sin and all unrighteousness;
Not to us, but unto him the praise shall be,
For salvation and for blood-bought victory. - Unto him that overcometh shall be giv’n
Here to eat of hidden manna sent from heav’n;
Over yonder he the victor’s palm shall bear,
And a robe of white, and golden crown shall wear.