Update: N-power Commence of Verification of Data.

Update: N-power Commence of Verification
All N-Power batch-c applicants are expected to update their profile and take test for possible shortlisting to the next stage of the N-Power application process
Please note that all successful candidates will be sent a mail and given directions on the next stage.
Candidates not selected can re-apply for the next batch of the programme as soon as it opens for application.

The Npower Application Batch C 2021 registration is concluded and currently undergoing scrutiny in other to release the final list.
According to the message displayed on the official portal, which reads; Dear N-Power applicants, the NASIMS portal approve on the 28th of May, 2021 by 12 midnight. Please make sure your records are fully updated on the portal.
It is very important you know your deployment center for easy verification and assignment as this will be provided after the verification.
In this post, you will learn how to check your Npower Batch C Deployment Status on the official Npower Website.
How to Check Npower Batch C Deployment Status
Kindly follow the guideline below to check your Npower posting;
Visit, the Npower deployment portal at
Login to your dashboard with your registered Password and Email Address.
Click on ‘Deployment’ button at the top side of your NASIMS profile.
Once clicked on the deployment button, your N-power deployment status will display.
If deployed, you will get a response like;
Dear [Applicant’s Name], you have been deployed as N-power Batch C Beneficiary.
But if you have not been deployed, you will see.
“Dear [Applicant’s Name], you have not been deployed yet.
“You have not been deployed yet. Please check back for the deployment information after the deployment date has been set.”
As the time of making the post, the Npower Batch C, 2021 deployment has not started, so if you are seeing “Not Deployed Yet” do not panic. We will update you as soon as the deployment is about to start.