Online learning has become a thing now. With the internet permeating every aspect of human life, it was about time that it entered the education and...
Applications are open for the Waislitz Global Citizen Award 2021. The Waislitz Global Citizen Awards are annual cash prizes totaling $250,000 that recognize the excellence of...
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria through the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Abuja, Federal Republic of Nigeria, announces a...
Nigeria is also blessed with an abundance of resources. The country is most widely known for its vast hydrocarbons wealth. Applicants must meet the following requirements...
CBN Global Money Week Challenge 2021: To commemorate the 2021 Global Money Week (GMW), the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is organizing a social media contest...
Texas Rend relief fund program provides rental and utility assistance to qualifying applicants to prevent housing instability, potential eviction, and financial hardships of tenants and landlords...