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Breaking News! TapSwap to be Listed on Bybit Exchange on July 1 – Here’s How to Get Ready! 🚀



Breaking News! TapSwap to be Listed on Bybit Exchange on July 1 - Here’s How to Get Ready! 🚀

Exciting news for crypto enthusiasts! Bybit, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges, has announced the listing of TapSwap (TAP) on July 1. This is a major milestone for TapSwap, promising increased liquidity and exposure for the innovative token. If you don’t already own TapSwap coins, now is the time to act, as there are only 7 days left until the listing. Here’s how you can prepare for this significant event.

To participate in #Tapswap, kindly ensure you have Telegram installed on your phone, then follow this link to begin

Why the TapSwap Listing Matters

TapSwap is known for its unique approach to decentralized finance (DeFi), providing users with seamless, secure, and cost-effective ways to trade and swap tokens. The listing on Bybit will not only provide greater accessibility to TapSwap but also potentially drive its value and adoption rate. For investors, this could mean exciting opportunities to capitalize on the token’s growth.

How to Prepare for the Listing

To ensure you’re ready for the TapSwap listing on Bybit, follow these steps:

1. Register on Bybit

If you haven’t yet, the first step is to register on Bybit. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Visit the Bybit website: Head over to and click on the “Register” button.
  • Create an account: Fill in the required details to set up your account. Make sure to secure your account with a strong password and enable two-factor authentication for added security.
  • Verify your identity: Follow the KYC (Know Your Customer) process to verify your account. This might include providing identification documents and a selfie for verification purposes.

2. Collect TapSwap Coins and Don’t Miss Daily Boosters

To participate in #Tapswap, kindly ensure you have Telegram installed on your phone, then follow this link to begin

  • Participate in airdrops and giveaways: Keep an eye out for TapSwap’s promotional activities and airdrops, which are often announced on their official social media channels and website.
  • Join community events: Engaging in community events and discussions can sometimes reward participants with TAP tokens. Follow TapSwap’s community on platforms like Telegram and Twitter to stay updated.
  • Utilize daily boosters: Many platforms offer daily boosters or rewards for logging in and participating in activities. Check if TapSwap has such programs and make the most of them to increase your holdings.

3. Set a Reminder for July 1

The TapSwap listing is a significant event you won’t want to miss. Mark your calendar and set reminders to ensure you’re ready to trade TAP as soon as it’s listed on Bybit. Here are some ways to stay on top of the date:

  • Set digital reminders: Use your phone or computer to set alarms or calendar reminders for July 1.
  • Subscribe to updates: Follow Bybit’s official announcements and subscribe to their newsletter for the latest updates regarding the listing.


The TapSwap listing on Bybit on July 1 is set to be a pivotal moment for the TapSwap community and investors. With just 7 days left, now is the perfect time to register on Bybit, collect as many TAP tokens as you can, and set your reminders. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be part of TapSwap’s exciting journey on one of the most popular crypto exchanges.

To participate in #Tapswap, kindly ensure you have Telegram installed on your phone, then follow this link to begin

Stay tuned and get ready for the launch. Happy trading! 🚀

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Always do your own research before investing in any cryptocurrency.

Bernard Bassey is a graduate of Software Engineering from AfriHUB University, Abuja. He is an expert in field journalism, his interest in socio-politics activities is keen.


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