Withdrawing Money from the ATM without being Debited?

Sometimes, I understand the impulse, especially when there is a need to fulfil. Withdrawing money from the ATM without being debited is absurd.
However, sometimes it happens due to machine malfunction, but sometimes it could be fraud involving the ATM. In the best-case scenario, the bank or ATM operator will already be aware of any errors that occurred during the transaction and will send your transaction to the appropriate channels for debiting.
If there is any delay, sometimes the money will be available on the ledger balance and will be removed after a maximum of 48 hours.
I have heard of a scenario where a customer withdrew more than what was in their bank account. However, the good news is that they were later apprehended and handed over to the authorities due to the fraudulent activities detected on their card.
ATMs can make mistakes. And when they do, it can cost you time and money to rectify them. They may incorrectly account for a deposit amount, dispense too little or too much cash, fail to provide a receipt, or retain a customer’s banking card. In such cases, you are encouraged to report the issue to your local bank for verification.
And yes, there is a way to withdraw money from the ATM without being debited, but this information is highly confidential and will not be disclosed to the public.
Therefore, on a natural ground, there is no publicly available answer to the question of how to withdraw money from the ATM without being debited.