SASSA Update on Special SRD Covid-19 Grant Payment

SASSA has experienced delays processing reconsiderations for the COVID-19 SRD Grant. An applicant is required to request reconsideration of the decision to decline his/her application if he/she is sure that the decision made was incorrect, and that he/she does meet the qualifying criteria for the grant.
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It is important to remind applicants that the grant is intended only for those citizens who have no financial support from any other source. It is not intended to “top up” support already received.
“When processing reconsideration requests from unsuccessful clients we have to conduct a means test. This is where the banks come in because they have to confirm whether the applicant receives any financial support from any other source.
The delay in attending to reconsiderations is a result of delays in contracting banks to undertake to means-test, amongst other services. We are doing everything humanly possible to resolve this delay. We appeal for patience and restraint from affected clients while the resolution of the process is accelerated”: said Dianne Dunkerley, Executive Manager: Grants Administration.
In addition, applicants of the special COVID-19 SRD Grant who chose the cash send option as a payment method are advised to switch to either their personal bank accounts or the Post Office to ensure speedy payment of their grants.
The cash sends payment option is not yet available, as it is offered by the banks and SASSA is still finalizing contracts with the banks. “The previous contracts expired when the grant came to an end and we had to follow a procurement process to enter into contracts once again. This whole process has, unfortunately, delayed the contracting significantly”, continued Dunkerley.
SMS notifications were sent to this cohort of clients to advise them of the delay with this channel, and request them to upload banking details and some have not yet complied. “Those who do not change to personal bank accounts will be paid through the Post Office as a final resort”, added Dunkerley.
Clients are encouraged to add their personal banking details, as this is by far the quickest payment method. The bank account details provided must be in the name of the applicant because SASSA cannot pay into the account of any person other than the approved applicant and the account must also be active.
Clients have to visit and click on the ‘how do I change my banking details’ tab in order to change their method of payment from cash send to personal bank accounts.